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Thanks to you, The NetSolvers has had a steady growth in our business and client base. A good portion of this growth has been as a result of your referrals. Our goal is to continue that growth and this time we want to reward you, not only for your referrals but also for your years of dedication. We are, therefore, announcing our new Business Referral Program. Starting March 1, 2014, The NetSolvers will pay you up to $500 for each referral! Here’s how it works.


If you know of a company, business, school, or any organization that you think could benefit from our wide range of IT services, please make the introduction. Getting us the information is very easy: 


                    1. Fill out the form on our website, (CLIENTS tab) or

                    2. Email the information to us at or

                    3. Call our office at (516) 442-1041.


Once we get the information, we will reach out to the contact to determine if they are a potential fit for our services. If there is a match and we schedule an appointment and meet with them, we will send you a $100 AMEX gift card or apply $100 to your next invoice.


If the referral results in a new Support Services Agreement* with The NetSolvers or a new installation**, we will send you another $400 AMEX gift card or apply $400 to your next invoice. There’s no limit to the number of gift cards you can earn. It’s as simple as that! So start going through your contact list, rolodex, smartphone, Day-Timer®, or index cards and start earning up to $500!



* The Support Services Agreement is an annual service agreement

** The new installation must have a value of at least $5,000.00 in any combination of professional services, hardware or software purchases.


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211 Broadway, Suite 301

Lynbrook, NY, 11563




T: 516-442-1041
F: 516-218-2530


2023 by Business Solutios.

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