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21 Critical Questions your IT Consultant should be able to say 'YES' to


Let's face it; not all IT consultans are created equal. The question is, which one will give you honest, straightforward and accurate advice, and which ones will overcharge you, not deliver on their promises and make things worse due to gross incompetence? Don't trust your critical IT operations to just anyone!


Download this free report to learn:


  • The 'dirty' little secret of the computer repair industry that most people don't know and will never be told by their IT guy. Knowing this alone could save you from wasting tons of money and untold aggravation when outsourcing your computer support.


  • 21 revealing questions that will help you instantly spot an unethical or grossly incompetent computer repair/support technician in minutes.


  • 4 costly misconceptions most business owners have about computer maintenance and repair, one of which you will need to know about before even picking up the phone.


  • Viruses, worms, spyware and hackers: what you need to know to protect yourself.


  • 5 mistakes to avoid when choosing a computer consultant.


  • 'Why' cheap or lowest price' computer repair shops aren't the bargain they initially appear to be. The one surefire sign that you should run - not walk - away from a computer support firm.









Download your FREE REPORT HERE!

The NetSolvers is a trusted certified partner that specializes in delivering full-service IT support firm for small and medium businesses in the Suffolk, Nassau and New York City area. We are a one-stop-shop for all your IT, Internet, hardware and software needs including data back up, security solutions, held desk, cloud and mobile solutions, email, Internet, phone and VoIP solutions and much, much more! Click here to learn more about us.

''Over the past fourteen years The Netsolvers has proven to be a reliable and trustworthy company servicing St. Aidan School in the area of network set up, network maintenance, and computer roubleshooting. They are always available for a quick question over the phone. Additionally, there have been times that a problem has been solved through remote access to our server. The Netsolvers is a reputable, dependable company that warrants your consideration for any networking/computer service project that you may be considering.''

Mrs. Mary Jane Radonic

St. Aidan School

''The NetSolvers/Softnet Enterprises has been providing our organization with IT services for more than 10 years.  They have provided these services to our corporate offices as well as many of our affiliated nursing facilities located in the 5 boroughs as well as Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties.

They have always been responsive to our needs and requirements in a very timely and professional manner. They are honest and caring professionals.

We  highly recommend the  The  NetSolvers/Softnet Enterprises to  any organization requiring skilled IT professionals.''


Very truly yours,

Stella Vilardi

Sentosa Care

Corporate Secretary/Office Manager


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211 Broadway, Suite 301

Lynbrook, NY, 11563




T: 516-442-1041
F: 516-218-2530


2023 by Business Solutios.

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